Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances

Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances

Contact Us

Please direct time sensitive requests to the WPRA Office by calling 719-447-4627.

Women’s Professional Rodeo Association
431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone: (719) 447-4627
Fax: (719) 447-4631
Email: contact@wpra.com

Important documents and forms related to equine medications and prohibited substances:

Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances Policy
Lasix & Dantrolene Form
All Other Medications Form
Drug Chart Quick Read
Frequently Asked Questions


December 9, 2019

The WPRA Board of Directors met during the WNFR to follow up on the recommendations from the Board’s Prohibited Substances committee to better align the WPRA fine policy with the needs of our sport. The Board agreed, in a unanimous decision, to the recommendations from the Prohibited Substances committee which have been developed over the last few years. The following changes are in effect at this time:

· No fine for an overage of a single NSAID.
· No fine for the use of CBD until more research is obtained on it.
· No fine for therapeutic use of Clenbuterol or Albuterol when it is prescribed by a veterinarian and the prescription is provided to the WPRA office on the correct forms and in the required time frame. This is in effect until more information is received by the Board from the Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances committee.
· COX inhibitors are not considered part of stacking.
· Requirements have been established regarding safe testing areas and procedures at rodeo grounds.

The WPRA Board of Directors wants to thank the Board’s Prohibited Substances committee for their efforts to clarify the WPRA’s fine policy. These changes are effective immediately. The Board will continue to monitor violations and adjust as needed.

Below are important messages from the Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances Archives:

6/13/14 The WPRA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of David Foley, Executive Director of the Association of Equine Practitioners as an alternate for the Equine Medications & Prohibited Substances Hearing Board.

3/31/14 The Hearing Board has been notified that Ms. Pam Minick has tendered her resignation and is leaving theEquine Medications & Prohibited Substances Hearing Board. Alternate Ms. Carol Goosetree is taking Ms. Minick’s position on this Board.

Appointments By the WPRA Board

1/11/13 The WPRA Board of Directors wishes to announce appointments, which they have made to the Equine Drugs & Medications Committee and the Hearing Board. The WPRA Board worked hard to ensure that both the Equine Drugs & Medications Committee and the Hearing Board be comprised of individuals who are professional, have knowledge of our sport, knowledge about these types of polices and broad perspective. They include veterinarians, former NFR qualifiers, former WPRA competitors, former Board members, attorneys and those involved in the horse industry.

Equine Drugs and Medications Committee
Chairperson Dr. Doug Corey (Vet.) – Pendleton OR
Dr. Robert Lewis (Vet.) – Elgin, TX
Dr. Terry Swanson (Vet.) – Littleton, CO
Matt Bartlett (Attorney/Horse Council) – Utah
Leann Gilkey (Former NFR Qualifier) – Weatherford, TX

Teri McLeod (Competitor/Former WPRA Board) – Desert Hills, AZ
Dr. Wade Shoemaker (Vet.)- Greely, CO

Hearing Board
Chairperson – Lynn Flynn (Atty./ Former NFR Qualifier)- Charleston, AR
Dr. Dave Schultze (Vet.) – South Dakota
Dr. Charlie Heaton (Vet.) – Utah
Dr. Ruth Haislip (Vet./Former NFR Qualifier) – Acampo, CA
Pam Minick (Former WPRA Vice President) – Argyle, TX
Carol Goosetree (WPRA Former World Champion) – Verden, OK

Important Updates to the Equine Drugs and Medications Guidelines

12/5/12 Today the WPRA Board of Directors has posted an updated version of the approved 2013 WPRA Equine Drugs and Medications Guidelines. This is an update to the original version posted on 10-15-2012.
Updates have been made in areas not finished at the time of the original posting i.e. there is more information about the Equine Drugs & Medications Committee (number of members, terms, and the chairperson’s role) and the Hearing Board, as well as refinements to the penalties for violations and operational related items. While the WPRA has had a rule in the WPRA rule book governing Drugs and Prohibited Substances since the 1990’s, there were additional steps necessary to complete the new testing and penalties sections.

The Board has begun a process to identify appropriate personnel for both the Equine & Medications Committee and the Hearing Board. Personnel need to be in place in order to begin the testing process. With that in mind, testing will not begin until after the start of the 2013 calendar year. Testing will not be conducted at rodeos occurring prior to that time, including the 2012 WNFR.

The implementation process necessary to support the testing and penalties sections of the rule book takes time. The Board has taken the time to build the implementation process and to be sure it has the pieces in place in order for the program to be successful.

Please take the time to read the policy, familiarize yourself with the drug classifications and review the adjustments that have been made to the penalties section. And if your veterinarian has your horse on either Lasix or Dantrolene, ask your veterinarian to complete and submit an Annual Lasix or Dantrolene Report form on your behalf.

10/15/12 On Monday, October 15th the WPRA Board of Directors voted to update Chapter 18/WPRA Rule # 18.1 Drugs and Prohibited Substances. Since March of this year, the Board has been in discussion about how to provide a structure within Chapter 18 that explains the accepted use of medications for therapeutic purposes, outlines testing procedures and a hearing process for violations.

The updated drug policy reflects the WPRA’s commitment to the health, welfare and safety of both horses and WPRA members. When you look across the equine industry, you will find just about every breed and discipline has a current and detailed policy addressing this important subject. The updated chapter and new testing policy promotes standardized testing and hearing procedures that will be applied uniformly at all WPRA approved rodeos and/or World Finals. This is important as it prevents rodeo committees or other third parties from imposing drug testing rules on us.

It was the Board’s decision to adopt the new rules and to work with the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), who has over 40 years of experience in this field. The WPRA will be utilizing their certified veterinarians, testing lab, educational materials and support staff who will help you with questions regarding medications.
To help you familiarize yourself with the revised Chapter 18, we have added a red button (labeled Equine drugs and medication) at the top of the WPRA website in the upper left hand area. When you click on the button, you will be taken to a page where you can select and review the information.

Please take the time to read these materials.

Let your veterinarian know the WPRA is working with USEF guidelines.

And feel free to call the USEF support staff who can answer any medication related questions that you might have.

The WPRA Board of Directors.

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627
(719) 447-4631 (fax)

431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-4627   |   (719) 447-4631 (fax)


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