ProRodeo Hall of Fame
ProRodeo Hall of Fame
2024 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced
2024 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced By Ann Bleiker COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado – The Solar Eclipse was not the only big news of the day as the Class of 2024 ProRodeo Hall of Fame inductees were announced on Monday, April 8 marking the 45th annual induction. A...
2023 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced
2023 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced By Ann Bleiker COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado - The Class of 2023 ProRodeo Hall of Fame inductees were announced on Monday, March 27 and will mark the 44th annual induction. A total of 11 will be inducted including two...
2022 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced
2022 ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class Announced By Ann Bleiker COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - The Class of 2022 ProRodeo Hall of Fame inductees were announced on Tuesday, April 12 and will mark the 43rd annual induction. A total of 11 will be inducted including two...
ProRodeo Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Nomination FormNomination FormNominate Your Rodeo Hero By WPRA Office The colorful history and equally colorful legends of professional rodeo live on at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy in Colorado Springs, Colo. In 2017, WPRA members and...
Cindy Rosser Joins Father, Cotton, in ProRodeo Hall of Fame
Cindy Rosser2022 InducteeLIKE FATHER, LIKE DAUGHTER Cindy Rosser Joins Father, Cotton, in ProRodeo Hall of Fame By Neal Reid Cindy Rosser was too busy to take the call of a lifetime. The Yuba City, California, native was standing atop a gooseneck trailer, unloading...
Venerated Horsewoman Bruce Takes Rightful Place in ProRodeo Hall of Fame
Ardith Bruce2022 InducteeAT HOME IN THE HALL Venerated Horsewoman Bruce Takes Rightful Place in ProRodeo Hall of Fame By Neal Reid Ardith Bruce couldn’t hold back the shriek. According to her granddaughter, Amber Bruce West, the venerated horsewoman who won the 1964...
Sammy Thurman Brackenbury to be Enshrined in ProRodeo Hall of Fame
Sammy ThurmanBrackenbury2019 InducteeSammy Thurman Brackenbury to be Enshrined in ProRodeo Hall of Fame By Jolee Jordan From chasing mustangs on the deserts of Arizona and Nevada, to World Championships inside Prorodeo’s arenas, to roping and falling off horses in the...
Wanda Harper Bush a True Leader
Wanda HarperBush2017 InducteeWanda Harper Bush a True Leader By Jolee Jordan If a fiction writer had invented the character of Wanda Harper Bush the critics may have condemned the figure as unbelievable. Thankfully, for thousands of professional barrel racers, Bush...

French Flash Hawk “Bozo” Inducted into ProRodeo Hall of Fame
French Flash Hawk “Bozo”2018 InducteeFrench Flash Hawk “Bozo” Inducted into ProRodeo Hall of Fame By Jolee Jordan With his big blazed face, French Flash Hawk, known as Bozo, was one of the most recognized athletes in pro rodeo in his time, a champion in the arena who...

Star Plaudit “Red” A Horse Like No Other
Star Plaudit "Red"2017 InducteeTwo World Championships in two separate events in 1962 achieved by a horse named Red By Jolee Jordan Star Plaudit holds a very unique record in the world of professional rodeo, one that is not likely to ever be duplicated. The bay...
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