Important Updates
7/26/2022 – WPRA President’s Letter
I have read with great disappointment the articles recently posted online by a small group made up of former directors and those who ran for office this past February. These articles are comprised of their personal opinions. Contrary to statements in the articles, the WPRA is run by its fully and fairly elected circuit directors and officers. The last election for officers and half the board was held just this spring. Based on rough vote percentages, the President was elected by 80%, Vice President by 70%, and the Texas director by 60% margins, among other elected directors. The elected officers and directors work for you, our members.
The WPRA is run in a professional and conscientious manner in accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Colorado law. Business decisions are made by the Board by majority vote, as is the case with all corporations. The process is transparent and is carefully overseen for financial control by its independent auditor who reviews finances and point audits. It is unfortunate that the WPRA recently needed to make a change as to its executive secretary, but did so in accord with its contract and without name calling or finger pointing. Mutual respect and courtesy should be the goal of all directors–current or former. I have served on many boards and in different capacities. Many times decisions were made by the majority of the board that I did not necessarily agree with. Those decisions were made by a majority of the elected board and I got behind them and supported them. That is how I believe an Association should run, where we can disagree, but get behind our fellow elected Board members and trust the decisions were made for the organization’s and member’s benefit.
Although I was not directly involved in the lawsuit and do not have first hand knowledge, my understanding is that Jymmy Kay Cox sued the WPRA and ten directors. The Court dismissed the claims asserted by Jymmy Kay against each of the ten individual directors. These claims were reported to be filed for an improper purpose, as admitted in the online articles. The only remaining substantive claim for relief sought by Jymmy Kay was to be reinstated as Vice President of the WPRA. The court did not grant her that. The case file is a matter of public record at the El Paso County, Colorado District Court.
Our Board is made up of ethical women with different views and perspectives. Some ideas take more time and discussion. Some of things discussed earlier this year are still under consideration. The board looks at certain subjects from different angles and it takes more time and research to reach a conclusion. All of the directors that serve on this board have one thing in common and that is they want what is best for the association and its members. I feel like it is my responsibility as president to create a respectful environment in which directors can speak freely while trying to reach a decision and to bring the board together to reach a general consensus on difficult subjects.
In the next few weeks, the WPRA will be publishing more information about the Association and how it is improving the state of women in professional rodeo. In the meantime if you have any questions, please call your Director, Vice President Heidi Schmidt or myself. All the phone numbers are listed on the website and in the rulebook. We need and want to talk to you.
7/8/2022-Upcoming General Membership Meetings
Cheyenne, WY General Membership Meeting
Meeting #1 (Breakaway): Tuesday July 19, 2022 30 minutes after the conclusion of slack in the hospitality area.
Meeting #2 (Barrels): Wednesday July 20, 2022 at 8am in the hospitality area. Barrel slack will not start prior to 9am.
Salinas, CA General Membership Meeting Thursday, July 21, 2022 estimated start between 2-3:00pm (no earlier than 2pm) in the Bull Crossing Tent.
Pendleton, OR General Membership Meeting -TBA
6/6/2022-The WPRA Board of Directors met Monday, June 6, 2022, to review and appoint new representatives to fill the four Board vacancies (Roping, Great Lakes, Prairie, and First Frontier).
We thank all those that were willing to step-up to fill these positions. As noted in our communication to the members directly affected by these vacancies last week, the board followed the below rule as stated in the WPRA Rulebook for filling these positions.
Rule 4.1.9 In case of any vacancy on the Board of Directors by death, resignation, disqualification, increase in number, or other cause the remaining Directors by affirmative vote of the majority thereof may elect a successor to serve until the next regular election for that position.
All vacancies (except for First Frontier), are scheduled to be part of the next regular election in 2023.
The WPRA Board is pleased to announce the following appointees:
Roping – Director Lynn Smith
Great Lakes Circuit – Director Melora Potter
Prairie Circuit – Director Cindy Gillespie
First Frontier Circuit – Lead Spokesperson Eileen Lang Kramme to assist with rodeo administration (directorship not yet determined)
These ladies will assume responsibilities immediately.
Jimmie Munroe, WPRA President
And the WPRA Board of Directors
5/27/2022-The WPRA Board of Directors was notified this morning (Friday, May 27, 2022) of the resignation of four directors (Great Lakes, Prairie, First Frontier and Roping) effective immediately. It is disappointing and unfortunate to have received this today.
The remaining 10 Officers and Directors will be meeting next week to formulate a concrete plan based on what is set forth in the WPRA rulebook. Upon conclusion of the meeting, we are committed to communicating the Board’s decision.
The day-to-day operations of the WPRA will continue uninterrupted by the office staff, who have been and are committed to serving your needs. In the meantime, anyone served by the four directors who resigned having a rodeo related question or concern please contact Jimmie Munroe (WPRA President) or Heidi Schmidt (Vice President).
Jimmie Munroe, WPRA President
And the WPRA Board of Directors
5/25/2022-After extensive discussion, the WPRA Board of Directors has decided to part ways with COO/Executive Secretary Darla Lindt. The Board thanks Darla for her service and wishes her the best in future endeavors.

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431 South Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 447-4627 | (719) 447-4631 (fax)
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