WPRA Announces 2022 Outstanding Committee Woman of the Year presented by Montana Silversmiths

By Ann Bleiker

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado — The backbone of any rodeo is no doubt the rodeo committee and their countless volunteers that donate their time and skills to put on a good show for the fans. While the contestants and animals are the stars, they would never shine if it were not for the work of a large supporting cast of volunteers that come together, working for a common goal of making the event a success.

In 1948, the Girls Rodeo Association, now Women’s Professional Rodeo Association was Built For Women By Women by 38 strong female leaders in the western industry. In honor of them and in partnership with Montana Silversmiths, one female committee member/volunteer that has gone above and beyond in their local community to make the rodeo a success and/or who has been a staple of the local rodeo for numerous years keeping the tradition alive and well will be honored with the WPRA Outstanding Committee Woman of the Year in 2022.

The inaugural recipient is Cindy Williams, a staple of the rodeo community in Vernal, Utah and the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo.

Her involvement with the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo started in 1975 when she was crowned Miss Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo, and she has been involved with the event ever since that time as the barrel racing chairperson, working with the facility to ensure quality ground conditions and accurately marking and staking the electric eye and barrel pattern for the WPRA barrel racers. The past decade, Cindy has also served as Secretary on the board of directors of the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo and goes above and beyond to help the rodeo succeed.

In 2020, Cindy was a key proponent of hosting a rodeo during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo was the first Playoff series/Tour rodeos to be held at full spectator capacity. In 2021, Cindy was a pioneer and instrumental in adding a tractor drag after five barrel racers to the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo performance and slack. With the emergence of breakaway roping, Cindy was a key supporter of adding breakaway roping to the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo in 2021. In 2022, Cindy helped bring equal money to the breakaway roping in Vernal’s NFR Playoff Series event.

Outside of the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo, Cindy has been integral in growing barrel racing in Utah by hosting weekly barrel racing jackpots in Vernal, Utah for the past nine years. While no longer competing professionally in the WPRA, she continues to train barrel racing horses and provide instruction and opportunities for barrel racers in Northeastern Utah.

The WPRA received 45 nominations for this inaugural award and was excited to have received so many great stories of the many outstanding women out there. As an Association, we are excited to continue to grow this program and recognize an outstanding committee woman on an annual basis.

Cindy Williams will be officially recognized during the WPRA Star Celebration with the Top 15 barrel racers on Thursday, December 1 at the South Point Hotel and Casino and will receive a custom made Montana Silversmiths buckle.


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