President’s Update 2020
President’s Update 2020
Doreen Wintermute
December 1, 2020
As the year 2020 comes to a close and we begin to look forward to 2021, I try to remain focused on the positives that were able to shine through during this unbelievably challenging year.
What a great accomplishment for all the circuits that have conducted their circuit finals rodeos. A total of nine circuit finals have been conducted with the final three (Texas, Montana, and Southeastern) are scheduled to conclude in January. A big thanks to those that were also able to include breakaway roping at the circuit finals including Columbia River, Wilderness, Prairie and Badlands. We know these events were a big undertaking this year and are thankful to all those that made these opportunities for our members. Let’s all hope we are able to celebrate these ladies accomplishments at the 2021 Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Kissimmee, Florida in April.
We recently wrapped up another WPRA World Finals in Waco, Texas and thanks to all those that made that happen. While things were a little different this year, we were appreciative of our partners at Elite for teaming with us to make for a great weekend. A full recap of stories and world titles handed out will be in the January issue of the WPRA News, so be sure to keep an eye out for that edition. The January issue will also cover all things Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping.
A reminder that all Wrangler NFR action can be seen LIVE on the Cowboy Channel and the Wrangler NFBR action will be streamed LIVE on the Wrangler Network, so be sure to tune in. As in years past, the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame will be looking for the best dressed barrel racer to be honored with the Jerry Ann Taylor Best Dressed Award. Fans will have an opportunity to participate by voting for their favorite nightly from Round 1 to 9. Voting will be available at and the winner will be announced before Round 10.
Wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with your loved ones! I hope your Holidays are healthy and safe.
Remember each and every day is a true BLESSING from GOD!
Doreen Wintermute
November 1, 2020
November the month for giving THANKS!!! I am thankful for everyone in the western industry, especially our WPRA members, this year more than ever given all the challenges we have dealt with.
The 2020 rodeo season has definitely been one for the history books. From the introduction of women’s breakaway roping into ProRodeos and the Fort Worth (TX) Stock Show and Rodeo being the first to offer equal prize money, to the abrupt cancellation of RodeoHouston and so many rodeos after, to those that stuck their necks out and continued forward in such uncertain times to moving the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo to Arlington, Texas, and having a National Finals Breakaway Roping, it has been a true roller coaster of emotions and events this year.
The WPRA Board of Directors recently announced the award recipients for our annual committee and special awards for their special efforts to encourage, spotlight and show appreciation to WPRA members during the 2020 rodeo season. The Justin Best Footing Awards were also announced, although a little revamped for this year, and I would like to thank Justin Boots for continuing to support this program and to all the committees who go above and beyond to provide good, safe ground for our members and their equine athletes. All these winners will be honored at our Star Celebration in Fort Worth, Texas next month.
Congratulations to Paige Jones on being named the WPRA Rookie of the Year and to Dona Kay Rule and High Valor for winning their second consecutive Barrel Racing Horse of the Year award.
The next couple of months are going to be fast and furious with the WPRA World Finals in Waco, Texas, Nov. 12-15 followed closely by the Wrangler NFR and the Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping. It is truly an exciting time for our members and the Association. The Wrangler NFR will be live on the Cowboy Channel while the breakaway roping will be live streamed on the Wrangler Network, so if you aren’t able to join us in Arlington you can keep up with all the exciting action. Be sure to keep an eye on the WPRA website for additional information and coverage of these three championship events.
Congratulations to all those who have participated in their circuit finals already. We will have complete recaps on all completed circuit finals in the December issue of the WPRA News.
I would like to thank the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame who will host our Star Celebration for the NFR Barrel Racers and Breakaway Roping along with continuing to sponsor the Jerry Ann Taylor Best Dressed Award. Fans will once again have an opportunity to vote (at for who they think was the best dressed barrel racer nightly for Rds 1-9 with the winner being named prior to the start of Round 10. Top 15 ladies remember to bring the sparkle and bling to Texas and you could have a chance to win $5,000. To celebrate the first time breakaway ropers are competing alongside the NFR, the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame will be awarding a fast-time award at the conclusion of round 1 during the inaugural Wrangler NFBR in honor the their late Honoree and WPRA member Betty Gayle Cooper Ratliff. So breakaway ropers, come ready to be fast in the opening round for your chance at this commemorative award.
I would like to wish each and every one of you a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving and remember each and every day is a true BLESSING from GOD!
Doreen Wintermute
September 1, 2020
I would like to start this month’s message with a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our members, rodeo committees and partners for working with us through these unprecedented challenges we have all faced in 2020. As we enter the final month of the 2020 rodeo regular season it has definitely been one for the history books that unfortunately we have all had to endure. While we are all still unaware of how the 2021 season will play out, we are hopefully it will be much more positive and profitable than how things have turned out in 2020.
We are looking forward to two great events this month first with the 2020 Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo that has been moved from Kissimmee, Florida, to Greeley, Colorado, for this season only. We look forward to this opportunity to showcase our 2019 circuit year-end and average winners and our circuit system as a whole. It will be televised live on The Cowboy Channel, Sept. 10-13.
Then on September 23-26 all eyes will be on the Gold Buckle Beer PRORODEO Tour Finale in Rapid City, S.D., offering competitors the chance to score big money in the race to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo as the 2020 regular season concludes. Again this will be televised live on The Cowboy Channel.
It is my hope that those who have used the new membership portal to enter PRCA/WPRA rodeos in the barrel racing have found it helpful and a great alternative to calling ProCom. While this opportunity has been limited to barrel racers, we are excited to announce that this month the portal will now allow for breakaway ropers to use this online option to enter PRCA rodeos. You should have received information from the WPRA office in your email and also available on the WPRA website on how to take advantage of this exciting element. We continue to work internally to provide access to all WPRA members to their WPRA account and hope we are able to roll that portion out this month as well. Please stay tuned for additional information on this.
Thanks for your continued patience and understanding toward each rodeo and for both Associations as we are all working together to try to provide as many opportunities as we can to our entire membership while working with each committee on the restrictions they are dealing with. Each day, each rodeo, each City and each State brings new challenges and roadblocks but we are encouraged by those rodeos, cities and states that have conducted their rodeos and for those that are forthcoming.
The WPRA Board continues to work through and evaluate what a WPRA World Finals will look like for 2020. Your directors are working through numerous scenarios and as soon as we come to a final decision we will be getting that information out to our members.
Please continue to monitor your email accounts for additional notices from the WPRA Office and contact your circuit directors for any questions you have in this very fluid environment.
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
September 1, 2020
I would like to start this month’s message with a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our members, rodeo committees and partners for working with us through these unprecedented challenges we have all faced in 2020. As we enter the final month of the 2020 rodeo regular season it has definitely been one for the history books that unfortunately we have all had to endure. While we are all still unaware of how the 2021 season will play out, we are hopefully it will be much more positive and profitable than how things have turned out in 2020.
We are looking forward to two great events this month first with the 2020 Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo that has been moved from Kissimmee, Florida, to Greeley, Colorado, for this season only. We look forward to this opportunity to showcase our 2019 circuit year-end and average winners and our circuit system as a whole. It will be televised live on The Cowboy Channel, Sept. 10-13.
Then on September 23-26 all eyes will be on the Gold Buckle Beer PRORODEO Tour Finale in Rapid City, S.D., offering competitors the chance to score big money in the race to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo as the 2020 regular season concludes. Again this will be televised live on The Cowboy Channel.
It is my hope that those who have used the new membership portal to enter PRCA/WPRA rodeos in the barrel racing have found it helpful and a great alternative to calling ProCom. While this opportunity has been limited to barrel racers, we are excited to announce that this month the portal will now allow for breakaway ropers to use this online option to enter PRCA rodeos. You should have received information from the WPRA office in your email and also available on the WPRA website on how to take advantage of this exciting element. We continue to work internally to provide access to all WPRA members to their WPRA account and hope we are able to roll that portion out this month as well. Please stay tuned for additional information on this.
Thanks for your continued patience and understanding toward each rodeo and for both Associations as we are all working together to try to provide as many opportunities as we can to our entire membership while working with each committee on the restrictions they are dealing with. Each day, each rodeo, each City and each State brings new challenges and roadblocks but we are encouraged by those rodeos, cities and states that have conducted their rodeos and for those that are forthcoming.
The WPRA Board continues to work through and evaluate what a WPRA World Finals will look like for 2020. Your directors are working through numerous scenarios and as soon as we come to a final decision we will be getting that information out to our members.
Please continue to monitor your email accounts for additional notices from the WPRA Office and contact your circuit directors for any questions you have in this very fluid environment.
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
August 1, 2020
The WPRA Board of Directors and office continue to tackle the never ending challenges this 2020 season has dealt us and I would like to thank them as well as our membership for taking on these challenges and making the best of a bad situation. We are definitely stronger together especially when we all work to row the boat in the same forward direction.
On Thursday, July 16, we launched the WPRA Membership Portal Phase 1 allowing WPRA barrel racers to bypass calling ProCom to enter a rodeo. As with anything especially in today’s technological world there were growing pains that unfortunately couldn’t have been known until things were live. Our members are spread across this country with varying degrees of internet access and technology access and on any given day you might have no glitches with either aspect or you might have a day full of glitches. The office diligently worked to eliminate those glitches to keep the process moving forward. We hope this will provide yet another avenue for entering PRCA rodeos for the barrel racers at this time.
Phase 2 will include a full WPRA membership portal providing access to all members to their individual WPRA accounts that will allow them to apply a credit to their account for entry fee payment, paying fines, reviewing account balance and verifying their contact information. Please keep an eye out for this phase. Phase 3 will explore breakaway roping entries to PRCA rodeos but no timeline has been provided for when that feature will be made available. Therefore, any members entering a PRCA Rodeo for breakaway roping will still need to call ProCom.
As some of you might have heard during an interview on the Cowboy Channel between Justin McKee and George Taylor, we are in discussion with the PRCA on what a Finals would look like for our WPRA ProRodeo Breakaway Ropers. While details have not been worked out, I did want to let you know discussions are ongoing and will share the news once it has been confirmed by both parties.
While this year’s Cowboy Christmas looked much different from past year’s there were still 14 rodeos that took place the first week of July including six rodeos that featured Women’s Breakaway Roping. Rough calculations show that those rodeos paid out over $245,000 in the barrel racing with over 120 members picking up checks while there was over $85,000 in the breakaway roping with nearly 40 members cashing in. Congratulations to Jill Wilson for being the big winner in the barrel racing winning over $13,000, while Shelby Boisjoli was the top earner on the roping side collecting over $9,000.
I have been in discussion with both the PRCA and Las Vegas Events regarding the 2020 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Both entities are continuing to move forward in anticipation of having this event. We are all currently monitoring the State of Nevada restrictions and the Las Vegas’ hotel landscape and are fully aware there will more than likely be a reduction on attendance levels. I will keep you posted as information becomes available.
Thanks for your continued patience and understanding toward each rodeo and for both Associations as we are all working together to try to provide as many opportunities as we can to our entire membership while working with each committee on the restrictions they are dealing with. Each day, each rodeo, each City and each State brings new challenges and roadblocks but we are encouraged by those rodeos, cities and states that have conducted their rodeos and for those that are forthcoming.
Please continue to monitor rodeo listings on and contact your circuit directors for any questions you have in this very fluid environment.
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
CEO of the WPRA Doreen Wintermute joins NFR Extra to share her journey, development of the WPRA, challenges of the pandemic and every barrel racer’s favorite topic THE DIRT plus a lot more. Listen here:
July 1, 2020
The WPRA Board of Directors and office continue to monitor the 2020 rodeo landscape and we have had numerous discussions on how best to move forward in this current climate. Please refer to the Taking Care of Business page in the July WPRA News regarding some decisions made by the Board of Directors regarding the status of the 2020 WPRA Tour and newly approved 2020 circuit count parameters.
As stated in my last communication all rodeos and all states are dealing with varying guidelines and restrictions set forth by their city, county or state agencies. Each one must work with their own government agencies to receive approval and their issues can range from how many fans are allowed to how many overall individuals can be on-site at any given time. As a result some that are able to move forward might have to with limited entries, so while the PRCA and WPRA are not encouraging limits it is the give and take nature of our business right now as we are all working to salvage as much of the season as we can. In addition, as these decisions are being made the respective Circuit Director is then deciding if the rodeo will count as a circuit rodeo or not based on limits and prize money.
Please be patient and understanding of each rodeo and both Associations as we are all working together to try to provide as many opportunities as we can to our entire membership while working with each committee on the restrictions they are dealing with. Each day, each rodeo, each City and each State brings new challenges and roadblocks but we are encouraged by those rodeos, cities and states that are allowing rodeo to move forward.
While 2020 has been tumultuous in so many ways, the partnership between the PRCA and WPRA has grown stronger. During the last several months the two Associations have worked together to move the rodeo industry forward. Through our partnership agreement with the PRCA and in collaboration with the Cowboy Channel, our Association is currently benefitting from the broadcast rights funding for the sport of professional rodeo. This includes funds being applied to rodeos to assist with prize money or towards committee expenses in producing a rodeo. As a result of the partnership between the WPRA, PRCA and Cowboy Channel, we are able to provide an equal playing field at sanctioned events as well as bring attention to the sport of rodeo and our Association. We are thankful to the PRCA and Cowboy Channel for all their efforts during these trying times.
Please continue to monitor rodeo listings on and contact your circuit directors for any questions you have. We know there are still many unanswered questions our members have but rest assured we are working to get you answers in this very fluid environment.
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
June 1, 2020
As we continue to deal with the effects of the coronavirus in our rodeo lives as well as our daily lives it was good to see a glimmer of hope with the rodeo at Cave Creek, Arizona, moving forward despite not having any fans. I would like to thank the rodeo committee, the PRCA and the contestants that helped get the rodeo train back on track. It is nice to finally see a little light at what has been a dark tunnel since the middle of March. As we move forward, we all must proceed cautiously and in a responsible manner so that over the coming weeks and months we can see more light instead of darkness.
It is imperative that we recognize the increased responsibility that comes with returning to competition and we ask each of you to cooperate in a professional and courteous manner. This is our new reality for the time being and it is our hope that we are able to return to an environment that is safe for our members, committees and local communities.
Over the next month the WPRA Board will continue to work closely with the upcoming rodeo committees and the PRCA to determine the outlook for the 2020 season. We know many of you have questions regarding the status of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, the 2020 RNCFR, 2021 Circuit Finals and 2020 membership. Know that your board and the WPRA office are working through these issues to get you answers as we consider not only the impact of 2020 but how these decisions will affect future years as well. Please be patient as we work through what are the best options for all entities moving forward.
As a reminder to those entering upcoming rodeos, the PRCA has provided post COVID-19 Ground Rules and safety guidelines for committees to consider. Be aware that each committee in the coming months might choose to implement all protocols or just certain ones, so like what has always been the case, it is of utmost importance to read the individual ground rules for each rodeo and adhere to them. For the foreseeable future each participant will be required to sign COVID-19 Waivers as part of our new reality. This is still a very fluid situation so please stay tuned to for updated information as we move through the month of June.
Let us lead by example in showcasing to the sports world how ProRodeo can have performances with or without fans in a safe and healthy environment. Now more than ever all entities that make professional rodeo work must come together to help all Americans put one foot in front of the other as we emerge from the darkness. We ask for your cooperation in following the rules set by each rodeo, and working together for the betterment of the sport and future of professional rodeo.
Remember kindness can go a long ways,
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
May 21, 2020
Ready to Rodeo
We are finally seeing a little light at what has been a dark tunnel since the middle of March. However, we all must proceed cautiously and in a responsible manner so that over the coming weeks we can see more light instead of darkness.
I would like to first thank everyone for their patience during this time and ask for continued patience as we all work in our new post COVID-19 environment for the near future.
We are excited to have ProRodeo return with the Cave Creek (AZ) Rodeo Days, May 22-24 although without any fans. It is imperative that we recognize the increased responsibility that comes with returning to competition and we ask each of you to cooperate in a professional and courteous manner. This is our new reality for the time being and it is our hope that we are able to return to an environment that is safe for our members, committees and local communities.
In partnership with the local committees and following thorough collaboration with public health officials, medical experts and state and federal officials, ProRodeo desires to implement a comprehensive plan to ensure the health and safety of our competitors and the surrounding communities. In accordance with CDC, OSHA and federal government recommendations, the PRCA has significantly modified event procedures to help reduce health risks. Every rodeo is unique and therefore no “one-size-fits-all” roadmap to success exists, but they believe for the immediate future they must be strictly followed for your safety, and those of your fellow competitors and the local community as well as the future of rodeo.
While the PRCA has provided post COVID-19 Ground Rules and safety guidelines for committees to consider, it is recommended that Rodeo Committees work with their city, county or state health departments to review these protocols to ensure there are no additional requirements. Be aware that each committee in the coming months might choose to implement all protocols or just certain ones, so like what has always been the case, it is of utmost importance to read the individual ground rules for each rodeo and adhere to them. For the foreseeable future each participant will be required to sign COVID-19 Waivers as part of our new reality.
Let us lead by example in showcasing to the sports world how ProRodeo can have performances with or without fans in a safe and healthy environment. Now more than ever all entities that make professional rodeo work must go above and beyond to help all Americans put one foot in front of the other as we emerge from the darkness. We ask for your cooperation in following the rules set by each rodeo, and working together for the betterment of the sport and future rodeos.
Remember kindness can go a long ways,
Doreen Wintermute
WPRA President/CEO
Click here for PRCA Coronavirus Ground Rules and Safety Guidelines
May 1, 2020
What a month it has been. I pray that each one of you are doing your part to not only keep you and your family safe but also your neighbors and friends. These are historic times and it is shaping up to be a marathon and not a sprint. I have no doubt that rodeo has some of the toughest people in the world and we will band together, while keeping a 6-foot social distance, to make it through these trying times.
As you know the WPRA office was required to shutdown due to the Colorado Stay-At-Home order on March 26. The Stay-At-Home order in Colorado began shifting on April 27 to a Safer at Home phase allowing for a little more flexibility. We have gotten word that our office will be allowed to reopen on Monday, May 4. While this is great news, we also know that will come with a multitude of new questions, including about entries opening and those that might be ineligible due to not being able to pay past fines. Rest assured we will work with you through this process to get you eligible. Please allow the office and your Board of Directors to work through additional issues that will arise after a month-plus closure.
As noted last month, we had planned to have our regular Spring Board Meeting during the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Kissimmee, Florida but with that event getting postponed we cancelled the meeting. Knowing we needed to get the new directors on board officially, we held a three-day special teleconference meeting to begin the passing of the baton. We have had very productive teleconference meetings and are expecting more in the near future. I am looking forward to working with this group to continue to move the Association forward.
On Monday, April 20, the WPRA along with the ProRodeo Hall of Fame and the PRCA announced the Class of 2020 for Induction into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. We are thrilled to have 1980 World Champion Martha Josey representing the WPRA in this year’s class. She will be joining Cody Ohl, Butch Kirby, Jim Sutton, Sunni Deb Backstrom, Randy Witte, Grated Coconut and the Ellensburg (WA) Rodeo. The actual induction is scheduled for August 1, 2020, and we are all hoping and praying this event will be able to happen. We will be sure to keep everyone updated as the event draws closer.
Despite COVID-19, we are happy to still be able to bring you some great stories in this magazine edition although this issue will be available only in a digital format. We are constantly monitoring the economic impact on the Association during this pandemic and are reducing costs where we can including the magazine. We hope you will still take the time to look through this issue with great stories on Lisa Lockhart and her daughter, Alyssa for a Mother’s Day feature; Wilderness Circuit member Shelby McCamey and her Yellow Felt Soul organization; the Boisjoli Sisters who are two up and coming breakaway ropers and our partner Montana Silversmiths who has been making 3D masks for healthcare workers in Montana.
As we continued to navigate through this uncharted territory, I remind everyone to show respect and patience to all involved as we work through the landscape of this 2020 rodeo season. Although this forced pause in our lives is unnerving and stressful, I urge each of you to take this time to be thankful for the blessings we have all been given including your family, horses, etc. Keep the Faith and we will get through this and be stronger for it.
As always keep an eye on the website and your emails for the most up-to-date information over the coming weeks. Until then stay safe and healthy.
Alone we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much.
God Bless,
Doreen Wintermute
April 1, 2020
Now more than ever is a time for all of us to come together and support each other through this Coronavirus Pandemic. These past few weeks have been trying times for all of us and we will feel the impact long after the threat of Coronavirus has subsided. The WPRA is actively involved with the PRCA in sharing the latest information from rodeo committees and their respective communities and local health officials. Our goal with the PRCA is to make sure that all information provided to members is accurate.
While this is uncharted territory for all of us, I remind everyone to show respect and patience to all involved as we work through the landscape of this 2020 rodeo season. Although this forced pause in our lives is unnerving and stressful, I urge each of you to take this time to be thankful for the blessings we have all been given including your family, horses, etc. Keep the Faith and we will get through this and be stronger for it.
We had planned to have our Spring Board Meeting during the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Kissimmee, Florida but with that event getting postponed we are looking for another alternative as I write this. We will be welcoming four new members and two others that retained their position. Those returning to the board include Kaylee Gallino in the Badlands Circuit, who had been appointed to that position a few months back when Heidi Schmidt took on the Vice President role, and Becky Nix in the Great Lakes Circuit. Returning to the board after many years will be Kim Thomas in the Prairie Circuit and Jolee Lautaret-Jordan as the new roping director. Katie Pascoe (California) and Allie Jordan (Turquoise) will be joining for the first time in their WPRA career. I look forward to working with each of you to continue to move this Association forward. We will post information regarding our Spring Board Meeting on when the details have been confirmed.
As always keep an eye on the website and your emails for the most up-to-date information over the coming weeks. Until then stay safe and healthy.
Alone we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much.
God Bless,
Doreen Wintermute
March 1, 2020
March the month where we celebrate the color green on St. Patrick’s Day and in the sport of rodeo we celebrate that same color with some big payouts including RodeoHouston for the barrel racers and RFD-TVs The American for the breakaway ropers.
What an exciting time to be a breakaway roper in the WPRA. A huge thanks to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo for stepping up and being a significant catalyst in propelling breakaway roping to the forefront at PRCA sanctioned rodeos. From the reports I received it was very well received by the fans in Fort Worth and I thank every roper that competed for your professionalism in this new arena. I am excited about the future of this event and the future of two women’s events at PRCA sanctioned rodeos. While we know there will be challenges and bumps along the way as we venture into uncharted territory, we ask for your patience with the directors, office and rodeo personnel as we work together to grow this event.
I would also like to acknowledge and congratulate Jimmie Smith on being named the 2020 Jerry Ann Taylor Best Dressed Award winner in Fort Worth, Texas. What a cool outfit you had and I loved the sparkle and professional look you had. You truly honored the late Jerry Ann Taylor with your outfit and hope to see it make many more appearances on the road.
Next month Kissimmee, Florida and Osceola County will host the 2020 Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo and what a great group of ladies we have qualified to compete for the WPRA. This will mark the first year for the Maple Leaf Circuit to have its own team and that is very exciting for the sport as we have many great rodeos and athletes north of the border. While this year’s event will not count toward WPRA World Standings, you can still bet that each cowgirl will bring their A-game for a chance at this prestigious title.
We will be holding our annual WPRA Board of Directors meeting in conjunction with the RAM NCFR this year. We will be welcoming many new members to the Board of Directors, so would like to take this time to thank those who have faithfully served in these positions in the past. Each of these ladies served the Association out of the passion they have for the sport and I think them for their tireless effort in moving the Association forward. Those that will be going off the board include Stacey Freitas (California), Toni Karre (Turquoise), and Patti McCutchen (Roping Director). Next time you see these ladies be sure to thank them for their time and dedication to the sport of women’s rodeo. An early thanks to those that have stepped up to take their positions and look forward to working with you to advance our Association in this new decade.
A reminder to check the website,, for the latest in Association News including upcoming General Membership meetings.
Alone we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much.
God Bless
January 1, 2020
As one year comes to a close, a new one brings about a new beginning and opportunity to make it the best one yet! The 2020 rodeo season brings great excitement to WPRA members specifically the breakaway ropers as we work with the PRCA to develop and expand a second women’s only event into PRCA sanctioned rodeos from coast to coast. There will be growing pains and lots of work but I am excited to see what the future holds.
The Association was well represented once again at the 61st Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. What an exciting start to the event with NFR Rookies Emily Miller and Dona Kay Rule taking the victory laps and ended with NFR veterans Hailey Kinsel and Ivy Conrado-Saebens being crowned world and average champions, respectively. I would be remiss if I didn’t also congratulate Stevi Hillman for turning in the fastest time of this year’s event in the ninth round with a 13.53 second run and 13-time NFR qualifier Lisa Lockhart bringing the event to a close with her 10th round win with a 13.71 as the last barrel racer to round the cloverleaf pattern in 2019.
I would also like to congratulate Amberleigh Moore for joining the $1 million club after surpassing the mark in career earnings during the 2019 Wrangler NFR. Moore became the eighth WPRA barrel racer to accomplish this feat. Hailey Kinsel came oh so close to becoming the ninth but remains just under $60,000 from that mark.
Congrats to Jessica Routier for taking home the Jerry Ann Taylor Best Dressed award for the second straight year at the Wrangler NFR. Don’t forget to “Bring Your Bling” to Fort Worth as a $5,000 bonus will be given once again to the Best Dressed WPRA member competing in the final round.
It was an honor once again to recognize not only our Top 15 but all the hard working committees and contract personnel with the WPRA annual Committee and Justin Best Footing Awards during the Star Celebration in Las Vegas. It was a diverse and great group of individuals this year and we are forever grateful for all their time and effort in giving our members a place to accomplish their dreams.
There is so much to be thankful for, as I rewind the 2019 year. The WPRA Sponsors, we couldn’t do it without all of you, our WPRA Office staff, all Circuit Directors, and every outside resource we depend on, thank you for completing another successful year for the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association.
With lots of positive and proactive thinking, LETS ALL BRING IN A HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!
Alone we can do so little; TOGETHER we can do so much.
God Bless

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President's Update 2018President's Update 2018Doreen Wintermute December 1, 2018 Here we are in the month of December, which means one thing the bright lights of Las Vegas and the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, the best event in the World of Rodeo. Congratulations to...

President’s Update-2017
President's Update 2017President's Update 2017Doreen Wintermute December 1, 2017 We all know we are coming into a month that has lots of celebrations. December is a great month for those in the rodeo world that have two great celebrations to look forward to each year....
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