President’s Update 2022
President’s Update 2022
Jimmie Munroe
December 1, 2022
It has been a busy end of the year with championship events from coast to coast with circuit finals being contested in all but three circuits that will conclude over the next month. This year, I am happy to report that breakaway roping was a featured event at all circuit finals, and we thank the committees that made this possible for our members. I also congratulate all those that have officially secured their spot in the $1 million NFR Open that will once again take place in conjunction with the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in July. This issue is chalked full of all the stories on these members that will be competing for this national title.
In addition, to the circuit finals being contested we also had a great World Finals in Waco. Congratulations to all the World Finals Champions. Thank you to the Extraco Events Center for hosting our Finals, thank you to TC Long, our producer, and his crew for the great job they did. A full recap of the WPRA World Finals and respective World Champions will appear in the January/February issue of the WPRA News along with the barrel racing and breakaway world champions crowned in Las Vegas.
2023 will mark another election year. The directors taking office in 2023 and every three years thereafter will be: Badlands, Great Lakes, Prairie, California, Turquoise and Roping Director. In 2023 only, members will have a choice to submit their nomination and election ballots either digitally or in hard copy form, so be sure to pay attention to that and have your voice heard in your Association.
All adult card members from whom the WPRA office has received a signed official application and payment for their card for the upcoming year, on or prior to the first business day of January shall receive a nomination ballot. The WPRA office, needs to receive a signed official application from Gold Card members and Lifetime members. On or about January 12 of each new calendar year the WPRA’s designated third party election vendor shall email electronic nomination ballots to all eligible adult card members (and for the 2023 election cycle only will also mail hard copy ballots no later than January 16 to all eligible card members together with an envelope pre- addressed for return to the election vendor). The card member must return the completed electronic ballot to the election vendor for receipt by the vendor on or before January 30 at 5:00 p.m. MT. (For the 2023 election cycle only the card member may return the hard copy ballot by US mail only to the election vendor for receipt by the vendor no later than 5:00 p.m. January 30, 2023. If the member casts both a paper and electronic ballot, only the electronic ballot will be counted).
Start thinking of who you would like to nominate for these positions and then who you will eventually vote on. As a reminder these positions will then serve on the WPRA Board of Directors for the next three years.
Best wishes to everyone for a blessed and safe holiday season.
Jimmie Munroe
November 1, 2022
Congratulations to Lisa Lockhart on becoming just the second WPRA member to cross the $3 million mark in career earnings. She accomplished this feat at the Badlands Circuit Finals rodeo where she also won the average title and is now qualified for the 2023 NFR Open. Lisa joins Sherry Cervi in this very exclusive and elite group. I couldn’t think of two better role models in our industry to have achieved this milestone. Lisa will be making her 16th consecutive trip to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo this December.
I am really looking forward to this year’s Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping where our members will be competing for record prize money at both events. A big congratulations goes out to both our Rookie of the Year award winners – Bayleigh Choate (barrel racing) and Josie Conner (breakaway roping) who both qualified for the Finals in just their first year of ProRodeo competition. What an exciting time for these young ladies.
Our members will be the first to tell you they aren’t anything without their equine partners and we congratulate those that took home the 2022 Nutrena Horse of the Year honors. Jordon Briggs and her standout gelding Rollo took top honors for the second consecutive year in the barrel racing, while Joey Williams and her mare Baybe won the title for the first time in the breakaway roping. I know both horses mean so much to these ladies and their families. Thank you to Nutrena and the AQHA for recognizing these great equine athletes that our members are blessed to ride.
Over the last few months, the WPRA Board of Directors have been in active dialog regarding Board representation given the increased growth of the WPRA membership and specifically growth in breakaway roping. As a result, the Board requested that a smaller group of Board members explore options and come back with a recommendation for 2023. The Board is now looking for your feedback on their current recommendation. The recommendation is to add one (1) more Roping Director to the Board structure. With this recommendation, the Board would be made up of twelve (12) Circuit Directors and two (2) National Roping Directors. The two (2) National Roping Director positions would be determined by taking the top four (4) Roping Director nominees (identified during the nomination process) and placing them on the election ballot. The top two (2) winners from the election process would be placed on the Board. Please provide your feedback by November 15, 2022.
Please note, there will be a General Membership meeting at the WPRA World Finals in Waco, Texas, on November 11, 2022.
Finally, I would like to wish the best of luck to our Top 15 barrel racers and breakaway ropers. You have all had an incredible year and we cannot wait to cheer you on.
Jimmie Munroe
October 1, 2022
With the regular season behind us we turn our attention to what could be considered the reward season. Between now and December we will be crowning circuit champions, world champions and recognizing both rodeo personnel and committees who have gone above and beyond in 2022.
Congratulations to the Top 15 barrel racers and breakaway ropers who have secured their first or 16th qualification to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo or the Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping. I am excited to see all these ladies on the big stage in Las Vegas and if the action during the regular season was any indication the Finals is going to be magical. Also, congratulations to everyone who has qualified for their respective circuit finals that will take place between October and January.
Both our Resistol Rookies of the Year have also qualified for their first NFR and NFBR, respectively. Bayleigh Choate won the barrel racing Rookie of the Year and enters her first NFR ranked 11th. Choate made headlines earlier this summer winning the Ponoka Stampede and winning the most money of any barrel racer over the Fourth of July week. Josie Conner is our breakaway roping Rookie of the Year, and she enters her first NFBR ranked 15th after a hard-fought battle for the position at the end of the year. We thank Resistol for honoring both ladies through the rookie program.
Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping at the South Point Arena & Equestrian Center, Nov. 29-30. General admission tickets are $30 each day, with reserve admission tickets available for $45 per day. Tickets can be purchased online at or, by phone at 866-796-7111 or at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa box office. Tickets are electronic unless purchased at the box office or specified otherwise online or over the phone. The event will begin daily at 2 p.m. (PST) with doors opening at 1 p.m. daily. Parking at the South Point Hotel and Casino is FREE.
For those unable to attend the NFBR in person, we encourage you to watch these ladies on the live stream brought to you by the Wrangler Network. Visit for a link or go direct to and watch for FREE!
Entries are now open for our WPRA World Finals, scheduled for Nov. 10-13 at Extraco Center in Waco, Texas. There are so many great opportunities for all our members from the Junior division to the pros. The card only race in the barrel racing will have $20,000 added and will serve as a 2023 RodeoHouston qualifier. The breakaway roping will have $5,000 added and will serve as a 2023 Fort Worth and RodeoHouston qualifier, so be sure to take advantage of these two opportunities. All money won in these two races will count toward 2023 world standings. For more information and ground rules visit
Thanks to everyone for making the 2022 rodeo season a success.
Jimmie Munroe
September 1, 2022
Here we are in the last month of the regular season and what a race it is shaping up to be in both the barrel racing and breakaway roping to be in that elite Top 15 that earns a ticket to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. The northwest rodeos have played a big role in the past in determining which ladies make it in and which ones are left to try another year. This year with the ProRodeo Tour Finale playing out in Puyallup, Washington, and the large purse all eyes will be on the outcome and the standings shuffle following that event.
Speaking of the end of the season, not only is it a time to celebrate those that make the NFR but also a time for the WPRA to recognize individuals and committees who have excelled this year. Every year since the early 1990s, the WPRA and Justin Boots have honored rodeo committees in each of the 12 circuits who have ensured safe ground for the animal athletes with the Justin Best Footing Award. This past year, we have seen a majority of the rodeos step-up and either provide a hand rake or a tractor drag halfway through during their performances and we are very grateful to each and everyone one of them. In 2021, the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo hand raked after every runner for the first time ever and I feel that was a huge step in having others follow suit. WPRA members will be given the chance in the coming weeks to vote for these awards in their specific circuit and I encourage everyone to take time and vote to thank these committees for making the conditions better. We will be utilizing a new electronic voting platform this year and you will be seeing ballots in your email later this month. In the meantime, start thinking of which committees you feel deserve this honor including those that are the most improved. We have had numerous arena records set this year and feel the improved ground conditions at these rodeos have played a role in allowing the horsepower in the WPRA to run at an elite level. This makes it exciting for the fans and athletes alike. So keep up the great work and know your efforts are being noticed.
This past month we have unfortunately lost several in our rodeo family. From legendary stock contractor Neal Gay, who developed the Mesquite Championship Rodeo, to Chuck Peterson, husband to Kristie Peterson and father to Jordon Briggs, to our 1984 world champion team roper Cherie Berthod, and finally to Stevi Hillman’s great NFR mare Lemon Drop. I send my heartfelt condolences to each and every family affected by these losses.
Until next time, safe travels and good luck to all in this last month of the regular season.
Jimmie Munroe
August 1, 2022
What a July it has been. Not only have the weather temperatures been record setting from coast to coast but so has the action inside the rodeo arena with our WPRA members. From record times in Calgary to Cheyenne in both WPRA events, and new champions crowned at both, to a very familiar face in the winner’s circle in Salinas, July was one for the history books.
The month started off with the famous time in rodeo known as Cowboy Christmas with WPRA Rookie Bayleigh Choate amassing the most money over the weeklong stretch of rodeos among all barrel racers with over $25,000. The young Jordi Edens on the breakaway roping side roped in over $15,000 for her Fourth of July stretch. We then welcomed two very deserving individuals (Ardith Bruce and Cindy Rosser) to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame hours before winners (Cheyenne Allan and Martha Angelone) were crowned at the NFR Open in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The following day Kassie Mowry raced her way to her first Calgary Stampede championship and put her in contention for a Wrangler NFR qualification in 2022. During the fourth round in Pool B, Mowry set a new arena record in a blistering time of 16.86 seconds ahead of Wenda Johnson’s 17.10 in that round. Mowry and Dona Kay Rule would later tie for the semifinal round win with another quick run of 16.95 seconds. Mowry would edge Rule in the showdown round to take the title stopping the clock in 16.97 seconds to Rule’s 17.11-second run. What a barrel race it was.
Fans were then treated to great barrel racing and roping in Cheyenne and Salinas with more records set. Summer Kosel broke a 25-year record in the barrel racing stopping the clock in 17.02 seconds in the qualifying rounds (previous record was Kristie Peterson in 1996 with a 17.03-second run). This came one day after Peggy Garman set a new record in the breakaway roping in a time of 3.0 seconds. Two-time world champion Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi collected her fifth California Rodeo Salinas title this time aboard Babe On the Chase “Birdie.”
A huge thanks goes out to all the committees that are dragging halfway through or raking after every barrel racer as these record times are showing the fruits of your labors. Also, thanks to those who have added breakaway roping giving our members more opportunities and fans another women’s event to watch.
We had membership meetings at both Cheyenne and Salinas and had some very good feedback from our members at both these events. Some specific elements discussed surrounded the replacement rule concept, equal money timeline in the breakaway roping and discussion on the condensed drag rule. The WPRA Board of Directors are actively looking at all these elements so would encourage anyone that was unable to make these general membership meetings to contact your circuit director with your input and feedback, specifically with regards to the replacement rule as would like to get this implemented for the 2023 season.
Speaking of membership, the WPRA continues to see a growth trend in membership. Last year we ended with a total of 3,206 members and through July of 2022 we are setting at a record with 3,606 members to date. Prior to the explosion of breakaway roping our numbers were solid at 3,118 in 2019. We thank each one of you for being apart of this Association and continuing to carry on the legacy the 38 women had only dreamt about when they created the Girls Rodeo Association in 1948.
The next two months will be busy as yet another rodeo season comes to a close. Be sure to thank the committees that make it possible to do what we love to do.
Jimmie Munroe
July 1, 2022
We are in the middle of the busiest part of the rodeo season now for many of our members. July is a big month with all of the prize money that is out there to compete for from coast to coast as well as north of the border. We are excited to see all of these rodeos back on board that are providing so many great opportunities for our members.
The Reno Rodeo was the kickoff to the busy summer season and it was great to see both Michelle Darling and Martha Angelone receiving their first pair of the coveted Reno Spurs for winning the barrel race and breakaway. This month from beginning to end will be filled with lots of rodeo action from the famous Cowboy Christmas Fourth of July Run, to the Calgary Stampede, to the Pikes Peak or Bust NFR Open, to California Rodeo Salinas and finally concluding with the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.
This month the WPRA will add two very deserving members to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, Ardith Bruce passed away the end of June, but she had been notified and knew that she was receiving this honor. Ardith was a true icon in the sport of barrel racing and made such a great impact on the sport. Cindy Rosser is the second WPRA notable being inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Cindy has literally worn every hat that one can wear in the sport of professional rodeo. From secretary, to stock producer, competitor, producer and designer of NFR Openings for 10 years and then found time to serve on the WPRA board as a director and officer for 20 years. Cindy’s father, Cotton Rosser, passed away during the Reno rodeo. I know how proud he must have been of Cindy’s induction into the Hall. Cotton was a legendary stock contractor in professional rodeo for many years. Congratulations to both of these ladies and thank you for the impact you have made on our sport.
Congratulations to two of our members Bryana Lehrmann and Sadie Wolaver on their recent wins at the College National Finals Rodeo. Bryana was the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Champion in the breakaway roping and Sadie was the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Champion in the barrel racing. We are anxious to watch these ladies’ careers unfold within the ranks of the WPRA.
We will be having two general membership meetings this month in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Salinas, California. I am looking forward to seeing you at these meetings. More information on the dates and times of these meetings will be following very soon. Please try to attend if you can as this is a good way for you to find out what is going on in the association and even more important for you to share your thoughts with us.
Be safe out there on the road and remember to make memories that will last a lifetime.
We are in the middle of the busiest part of the rodeo season now for many of our members. July is a big month with all of the prize money that is out there to compete for from coast to coast as well as north of the border. We are excited to see all of these rodeos back on board that are providing so many great opportunities for our members.
The Reno Rodeo was the kickoff to the busy summer season and it was great to see both Michelle Darling and Martha Angelone receiving their first pair of the coveted Reno Spurs for winning the barrel race and breakaway. This month from beginning to end will be filled with lots of rodeo action from the famous Cowboy Christmas Fourth of July Run, to the Calgary Stampede, to the Pikes Peak or Bust NFR Open, to California Rodeo Salinas and finally concluding with the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.
This month the WPRA will add two very deserving members to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, Ardith Bruce passed away the end of June, but she had been notified and knew that she was receiving this honor. Ardith was a true icon in the sport of barrel racing and made such a great impact on the sport. Cindy Rosser is the second WPRA notable being inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Cindy has literally worn every hat that one can wear in the sport of professional rodeo. From secretary, to stock producer, competitor, producer and designer of NFR Openings for 10 years and then found time to serve on the WPRA board as a director and officer for 20 years. Cindy’s father, Cotton Rosser, passed away during the Reno rodeo. I know how proud he must have been of Cindy’s induction into the Hall. Cotton was a legendary stock contractor in professional rodeo for many years. Congratulations to both of these ladies and thank you for the impact you have made on our sport.
Congratulations to two of our members Bryana Lehrmann and Sadie Wolaver on their recent wins at the College National Finals Rodeo. Bryana was the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Champion in the breakaway roping and Sadie was the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Champion in the barrel racing. We are anxious to watch these ladies’ careers unfold within the ranks of the WPRA.
We will be having two general membership meetings this month in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Salinas, California. I am looking forward to seeing you at these meetings. More information on the dates and times of these meetings will be following very soon. Please try to attend if you can as this is a good way for you to find out what is going on in the association and even more important for you to share your thoughts with us.
Be safe out there on the road and remember to make memories that will last a lifetime.
June 1, 2022
Where did the month of May go? Hard to believe it is already June and the summer run of rodeos have gotten underway. What a summer it is shaping up to be with many top rodeos like Reno, Cody, Calgary and Salinas all back on the schedule and the NFR Open (formerly the RNCFR) being held in Colorado Springs, Colorado next month.
In addition, next month we will add two very deserving ladies representing the WPRA into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame – Ardith Bruce and Cindy Rosser. What a great week it will be in the Pikes Peak region with a great rodeo and ProRodeo Hall of Fame Inductions.
I would like to congratulate our two winners from the Inaugural Cowboy Channel Rookie Roundup presented by Resistol – Presley Smith in the barrel racing and Gianna Cianfichi in the breakaway roping. It was so cool to see all the ProRodeo rookies together competing in this one-of-a-kind event. Thanks to the PRCA, Cowboy Channel and Resistol for making this happen and for the experience you provided to our first-year cardholders.
The WPRA and PRCA also recently announced that the 2022 Wrangler National Finals Breakaway Roping will take place Nov. 29-30 at the South Point Hotel and Casino. The prize money is also going up from $200,000 to $250,000. More details will be forthcoming as the planning gets underway.
It has been a trying month organizationally for the WPRA with the releasing of our Chief Operating Officer and then the resignation of four of our directors (Roping, First Frontier, Great Lakes and Prairie). I along with the WPRA Board of Directors are working through this and have been keeping our members up to date as the process moves forward. The Board will meet on Monday, June 6 to determine who will be filling these positions. We thank all those that were willing to step-up and serve. The board appointed directors to serve until our scheduled election in 2023. The new acting directors are Lynn Smith (Roping Director), Melora Potter (Great Lakes Circuit Director), Cindy Gillespie (Prairie Circuit Director) and Eileen Lang Kramme(lead spokesperson First Frontier Circuit). The day-to-day operations are continuing uninterrupted by our office staff, who have been and are committed to serving your needs, and I want to thank them for all their hard work.
We will have be having two General Membership meetings this summer at Cheyenne and Salinas. I am looking forward to seeing you at these meetings. More information on date and time of these meetings will be following very soon.
I would like to wish everyone good luck as the summer run begins, as I know this summer is going to test us all with record fuel prices and inflation.
Safe travels!
April 1, 2022
It has been a busy month. First, I would like to thank everyone who participated in our most recent election and for the support that I received. This Association means so much to me and it is a true honor for me to continue as your President for the next three years.
We had our spring board meeting the end of March in Colorado Springs. It was great to gather in person and welcome our new board members. Joining the Board of Directors for the first time is Bricklee Miller from the Southeastern Circuit and Rainy Robinson from the Columbia River Circuit. We didn’t have anyone on the ballot running in the Columbia River or First Frontier Circuit but are pleased to announce that Rainy agreed to take the position in her circuit and former WPRA President Kathi Myers has taken the First Frontier position. We are happy to have these ladies on the team.
The Board did approve the barrel racing and breakaway roping events to be part of the newly created Rookie Roundup. The inaugural Cowboy Channel Rookie Roundup presented by Resistol will take place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards on April 29-30. This event will bring together the top 15 contenders from the 2022 Resistol Rookie Standings and will be produced and broadcasted by The Cowboy Channel. There will be a matinee performance each day beginning at 2 pm CT.
The first performance on April 29 will feature all 15 contestants in each event in a single go-round of competition. The top eight contestants in each event will return to compete in the semifinals on April 30 with the top four then advancing to the championship round that same performance.
The Resistol Rookie of the Year Award is one of the top awards that can be earned by WPRA members. Money won during the Cowboy Channel Rookie Roundup presented by Resistol will count towards the Resistol Rookie Standings but will not be credited towards the WPRA World Standings for NFR qualification.
We also recently shared the news that the NFR Playoff will take place at the Puyallup Rodeo at the Washington State Fair, Sept. 8-11, and will crown the champions of the season-long NFR Playoff Series presented by Pendleton Whisky. The $1 million payout just before the WPRA regular season ends on Sept. 30 will play a key role in catapulting athletes into the 2022 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo presented by Teton Ridge. The full release can be found in this issue of the WPRA News and on our website.
And finally I would like to congratulate Jordon Briggs and Erin Johnson on their big wins at RodeoHouston. Both are first time winners and Erin is the first ever breakaway roping champion in Houston. We can’t thank the committee enough for adding breakaway roping this year and we are excited to see it be added to all performances in future years.
Enjoy the springtime with your family and Happy Easter to everyone.
Jimmie Munroe
March 1, 2022
It has been a busy month. First, I would like to thank everyone who participated in our most recent election and for the support that I received. This Association means so much to me and it is a true honor for me to continue as your President for the next three years.
We had our spring board meeting the end of March in Colorado Springs. It was great to gather in person and welcome our new board members. Joining the Board of Directors for the first time is Bricklee Miller from the Southeastern Circuit and Rainy Robinson from the Columbia River Circuit. We didn’t have anyone on the ballot running in the Columbia River or First Frontier Circuit but are pleased to announce that Rainy agreed to take the position in her circuit and former WPRA President Kathi Myers has taken the First Frontier position. We are happy to have these ladies on the team.
The Board did approve the barrel racing and breakaway roping events to be part of the newly created Rookie Roundup. The inaugural Cowboy Channel Rookie Roundup presented by Resistol will take place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards on April 29-30. This event will bring together the top 15 contenders from the 2022 Resistol Rookie Standings and will be produced and broadcasted by The Cowboy Channel. There will be a matinee performance each day beginning at 2 pm CT.
The first performance on April 29 will feature all 15 contestants in each event in a single go-round of competition. The top eight contestants in each event will return to compete in the semifinals on April 30 with the top four then advancing to the championship round that same performance.
The Resistol Rookie of the Year Award is one of the top awards that can be earned by WPRA members. Money won during the Cowboy Channel Rookie Roundup presented by Resistol will count towards the Resistol Rookie Standings but will not be credited towards the WPRA World Standings for NFR qualification.
We also recently shared the news that the NFR Playoff will take place at the Puyallup Rodeo at the Washington State Fair, Sept. 8-11, and will crown the champions of the season-long NFR Playoff Series presented by Pendleton Whisky. The $1 million payout just before the WPRA regular season ends on Sept. 30 will play a key role in catapulting athletes into the 2022 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo presented by Teton Ridge. The full release can be found in this issue of the WPRA News and on our website.
And finally I would like to congratulate Jordon Briggs and Erin Johnson on their big wins at RodeoHouston. Both are first time winners and Erin is the first ever breakaway roping champion in Houston. We can’t thank the committee enough for adding breakaway roping this year and we are excited to see it be added to all performances in future years.
Enjoy the springtime with your family and Happy Easter to everyone.
March 1, 2022
Last month we had two general membership meetings in both Rapid City, SD and Belton, TX, and we received some great input from our members. I would personally like to thank each member that was able to attend and voice their opinions. We are looking forward to having a meeting in every circuit this year and I hope that you can all attend at least one. We have gotten some recent requests for these meetings to have a virtual component for those who are unable to attend in person and we are looking into that solution.
What a great finals at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and our barrel racers and breakaway ropers definitely brought their A-game to Dickies Arena. Congratulations to Wenda Johnson on not only winning the barrel race, but also breaking her own arena record with a 16.08 in the finals. This is the second year that FWSSR has had breakaway and our ropers competed for equal money. Our breakaway champion was Kelsie Domer who went 1.8 in the finals and earned a total of $26,800. The only event winner to win more purse money than Kelsie was Sage Kimzey in the bull riding.
Congratulations to Hailey Kinsel for taking home her 3rd San Antonio Rodeo win and to Martha Angelone on winning the inaugural breakaway roping title. During the rodeo, we met with the executive committee and they could not be more excited about the breakaway and impressed with the class and professionalism of our women ropers. Thank you so much to every single roper that thanked the committee for adding the breakaway during their interviews. This goes a long way and does not go unnoticed. We appreciate you and your efforts to help make this a standard event in rodeo.
The WPRA was saddened to learn about the passing of RE Josey. He and Martha have done so much for the sport of barrel racing and have influenced the lives of so many young people. The two of them have helped and guided countless NFR qualifiers in both the barrel racing and the calf roping. His legacy will truly live on in all the lives that he impacted.
A schedule of the 2022 WPRA tour rodeos is listed on the website along with a list of the NFR Playoff Series rodeos. As a reminder, the office has been posting the agendas to our monthly board meetings one week before the meeting occurs. Please look for this posting so that you may call your director and voice your opinions or concerns before the meetings take place. The meeting minutes are then posted following each meeting. These will let our members know the decisions that have been made concerning the items on the agenda.
RodeoHouston in underway and I want to wish our ladies best of luck there and at our other upcoming rodeos this month!
February 1, 2022
Our members picked right back up where they left off in 2021 with exciting and headline making runs. Congratulations to Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi on winning the barrel race at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo in Denver! This was Brittany 17th time to run at Denver and her fifth time to win it. A pretty good track record at a great rodeo!
The circuit finals have all concluded, with the last four – Texas, California, Montana, and the First Frontier – wrapping up the 2021 circuit season in January. The two positions for the NFR Open are secured from each circuit in the barrel race and breakaway roping. As a reminder, the NFR Open will be held in July in Colorado Springs as part of the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo festivities. Tickets for the event are now on sale.
There is a tentative schedule on our website for the rodeos that are part of the NFR Playoff Series and WPRA members should have received a constant contact with that information as well. Additional information and details will follow on the NFR Playoff Series in the near future.
The ballots for the 2022 election will be mailed out no later than February 10th. In order to receive one, you had to have purchased your membership before February 1st. Election ballots must be received by the WPRA auditor either by mail or fax before February 28th no later than 5 pm MT. For ladies on the road, there is a fax app that you can use on your cell phone. Results of the election will be made available to the COO, Darla Lindt, on March 1st and she in turn will make them available to the membership. I would like to encourage all members to vote. This is your association and every election is important.
RodeoHouston will be kicking off later this month. I would like to recognize the two individuals (barrel racer and breakaway roper) that earned a spot in this prestigious rodeo thanks to their finish at the Sandhills Stock Show and Rodeo in Odessa, Texas. Both winners in Odessa of the barrel race (Cheyenne Wimberley) and breakaway roping (Bailey Gubert) were already qualified for Houston, so the spot dropped down to the second place finishers Shannon McReynolds (tied with Janna Beam but tiebreaker reverted back to 2021 world standings) in the barrel racing and Elsie Rose Campbell in the breakaway roping. Both ladies will be making their first appearance at Houston, thanks to the opportunity they had in Odessa.
On January 27th, Dale Youree passed away. On behalf of the WPRA, I would like to offer our condolences to the entire Youree family. Dale and Florence have made such an impact on the sport of professional barrel racing. They were one of the first to have summer camps instructing students in barrel racing and roping and sometimes would have as many as 100 students. A number of GRA/WPRA world champions and NFR contestants came through their ranch in Addington, Oklahoma, either as students or instructors. Florence also served as president of our association and executive secretary. She was very instrumental in the barrel racing being included in most of the PRCA Rodeos and becoming part of the National Finals Rodeo in 1965. Their daughter and granddaughters have carried on the family tradition by qualifying for the NFR with Janae winning a WPRA World Championship in barrel racing. It was evident to all that Dale and Florence were true soul mates and partners in every way. Rest In Peace Dale – it was an honor to know you.
Finally, we recently had a general membership meeting in Rapid City and our next one will be in Belton, Texas. These meetings are great opportunities for all members to attend, ask questions and gather information on what is going on with the association. I truly hope you will attend if you are there or in the area.
Safe travels and good luck at the winter rodeos!
January 1, 2022
Wow what a finish to the 2021 season. We had some great races across the board and I would like to CONGRATULATE all of our world champions – those crowned in Waco at the WPRA World Finals and the two crowned in Las Vegas.
This issue is chalked full of stories on all of these great champions as well as those rodeo committees and contract personnel that went above and beyond this past year. This is truly a team effort as the WPRA is stronger because of our members, rodeo committees, contract personnel and our partners. I can’t thank each of you enough for a successful 2021.
It was great to be back in Las Vegas and so many memories were made for our members. From Jordon Briggs joining her mother, Kristie Peterson, in the WPRA history books winning her first world title to Sawyer Gilbert realizing her dreams of being a WPRA World Champion Breakaway Roper, it was exciting to watch and be a part of this chapter in our history.
I join the Top 15 in thanking the National Finals Rodeo Committee (PRCA and Las Vegas Events), Allen Rheinheimer (NFR GM) and the ground crew at the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in hand raking after each barrel racer. It was a safe and consistent race throughout the 10 rounds that resulted in a diverse group of round winners including two ties. Their hard work didn’t go unnoticed and we hope to build off of this in the future.
Speaking of future, you should have received information about the upcoming WPRA Elections. This is an important time for your voices to be heard and participate either as a candidate or by voting as we have half of our director positions up for election this year. Be sure to stay on top of deadlines for the nomination process and ballot process. Information should have been emailed to you from the office and if not please contact us. We have also included some information on the key dates on the Taking Care of Business page in this issue.
We are also accepting applications for the ProRodeo Hall of Fame Class of 2022. If you would like to submit an individual or animal athlete for consideration please visit for a nomination form. Nominations are due by February 15.
While we have a few final events to wrap-up for the 2021 season with the remaining Circuit Finals, we are off and running already for 2022. We are excited for the return of rodeos like Denver, Fort Worth and Houston and from the looks of the entries so are all of you. I am looking for 2022 to be even bigger and better for our entire membership.
Let’s make this New Year one to remember,
Jimmie Munroe

President’s Update-2024
President's Update 2024President's Update 2024Jimmie Munroe February 1, 2024 Hard to believe that the first month of 2024 is now behind us. That means that all our 2023 circuit finals have concluded and the initial field for the NFR Open has been set. The circuit...

President’s Update-2023
President's Update 2023President's Update 2023Jimmie Munroe December 1, 2023 It is rarely disputed that the road to the NFR is one of the toughest yet most rewarding endeavors in professional rodeo. Each year I have watched, since I was going up and down the road, how...

President’s Update-2021
President's Update 2021President's Update 2021Jimmie Munroe December 1, 2021 The majority of the Circuit Finals have wrapped up with the exception of four. We still have California, Texas, Montana, and the First Frontier. We were very pleased and thankful for the...

President’s Update-2020
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President’s Update-2019
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President’s Update-2018
President's Update 2018President's Update 2018Doreen Wintermute December 1, 2018 Here we are in the month of December, which means one thing the bright lights of Las Vegas and the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, the best event in the World of Rodeo. Congratulations to...

President’s Update-2017
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